Looking for a reliable currency exchange? We have over 33,200 reviews of UK foreign exchange companies written by real customers
Exchange rates aren't the only important factor when deciding which company to order with. If you've never heard of a company before, or would like to know what kind of service they deliver; it can be useful to read reviews written by previous customers to get an idea of how well the company performs.
Below you'll find links to the review pages for all of the companies that are featured on our website. All of these reviews have been written by previous customers to help you decide which company is right for you.
Our reviews platform is open to anyone who has placed an order with, or used the services of, any of the companies that feature on our website. Anyone is free to leave a review (provided they have been a customer of that company) by filling out the review form at the bottom of a company's review page.
Companies are given the opportunity to reply to any reviews that are written about them. If a company responds to a review, their reply will be published directly underneath the review that was replied to.
Because our reviews are open to everyone, we need to moderate new reviews when they are submitted to make sure they don't contain, for example; bad or offensive language. We don't remove reviews just because a company has asked us to or because the reviewer has given the company a low rating. However, we may remove reviews that:
Once published, we do not delete, amend or modify reviews in any way, with the following exceptions:
When writing a review, customers are asked to rate the company by selecting a number of stars between 1-5, with 1 being the lowest and 5 being the highest.
We calculate the average (mean) score for each company by adding up all the individual ratings from each review they've received and dividing it by the total number of reviews. The average score is rounded to two decimal places and used to generate a rating based on the following scores:
Average score | Rating |
1 - 1.49 | Bad |
1.5 - 2.49 | Poor |
2.5 - 3.49 | Average |
3.5 - 4.49 | Great |
4.49 - 5 | Excellent |
Companies that have not been reviewed are given an initial score of 0 with the corresponding rating: Unrated.