British pound to Kenyan shilling historical chart

British pound (GBP) to Kenyan shilling (KES) exchange rate chart and trend analysis based on real data sourced directly from UK currency suppliers

GBP to KES chart


Our British pound to Kenyan shilling chart plots the actual Kenyan shilling exchange rates offered by our panel of UK currency suppliers at the end of each day, so you can keep track of the latest trends and make an informed decision about the best time to buy.


GBP to KES historical rates

This annual exchange rate summary provides a detailed breakdown of the performance of the pound against the Kenyan shilling over the past several years so you can put today's Kenyan shilling travel money rates into context:

Annual exchange rate data for British pounds to Kenyan shillings
2025 153.456 --- 149.893 157.331 ---
2024 179.571 153.412 152.801 184.696 -14.57%
2023 138.867 179.517 137.688 179.796 29.27%
2022 147.638 138.924 124.99 150.341 -5.90%
2021 144.264 147.638 142.116 150.518 2.34%
2020 130.031 144.264 119.573 146.567 10.95%
2019 124.999 130.102 120.058 132.578 4.08%
2018 133.976 124.999 122.708 139.845 -6.70%
2017 121.07 133.951 119.928 134.762 10.64%
2016 145.597 121.07 117.887 145.597 -16.85%
2015 135.22 145.597 129.75 158.62 7.67%
2014 137.174 135.22 134.389 144.75 -1.42%
2013 134.233 137.174 121.537 137.55 2.19%
2012 124.375 133.946 122.434 134.99 7.70%

Best place to buy Kenyan shillings in the UK

It's important to use a reputable currency exchange to avoid scams and fraud when buying Kenyan shillings, especially if you order online. We compare the Kenyan shilling rates from 15 tried-and-tested suppliers who have Kenyan shillings in stock and ready to order online now.

You can see the full list on our Kenyan shilling travel money comparisons.

Post Office

1 GBP = 153.223 KES

Post Office exchange rates

Sainsbury's Bank

1 GBP = 154.94 KES

Sainsbury's Bank exchange rates


1 GBP = 155.074 KES

Waitrose exchange rates