Get the best Hungarian forint exchange rate

Compare the latest Hungarian forint exchange rates from the UK's best currency providers

Hungarian forints
We found 19 travel money suppliers offering £750 worth of Hungarian forints for delivery and accepting payment by debit card
You receive Ft 362,326.50 Exchange rate 483.102 Insured delivery Free Buy Now
Travel FX
You receive Ft 362,323.46 Exchange rate 484.503 Insured delivery Free Buy Now
The Currency Club
You receive Ft 362,287.56 Exchange rate 484.455 Insured delivery Free Buy Now
You receive Ft 362,254.50 Exchange rate 483.006 Insured delivery Free Buy Now
Currency Online Group
You receive Ft 357,932.31 Exchange rate 484.455 Insured delivery £8.99 Buy Now
Rapid Travel Money
You receive Ft 354,714.00 Exchange rate 472.952 Insured delivery Free Buy Now
ACE-FX Delivery
You receive Ft 354,286.84 Exchange rate 478.766 Insured delivery £10.00 Buy Now
Covent Garden FX
You receive Ft 352,841.25 Exchange rate 470.455 Insured delivery Free Buy Now
John Lewis Travel Money
You receive Ft 352,841.25 Exchange rate 470.455 Insured delivery Free Buy Now
You receive Ft 350,044.50 Exchange rate 466.726 Insured delivery Free Buy Now

Best Hungarian forint exchange rate

If you're travelling to Hungary, it's important to shop around and compare currency suppliers to maximise your chances of getting a good deal. We can help you to find the best Hungarian forint exchange rate by comparing a wide range of UK travel money suppliers who have Hungarian forints in stock and ready to order online now. Our comparisons automatically factor in all costs and commission, so all you need to do is tell us how much you want to spend and we'll show you the top suppliers who fit the bill.

Compare before you buy

Some of the best travel money deals are only available when you buy online. By using a comparison site, you're more likely to see the full range of deals on offer and get the best rate.

Order online

Always place your order online, even if you plan to collect your currency in person. Most supermarkets and high street currency suppliers offer better exchange rates if you order online beforehand.

Combine orders

If you're travelling with others, consider placing one large currency order instead of buying individually. Many currency suppliers offer enhanced rates that improve as you order more.

Hungarian forint rate trend

Over the past 30 days, the Hungarian forint rate is up 0.96% from 483.102 on 29 Nov to 487.74 today. This means one pound will buy more Hungarian forints today than it would have a month ago. Right now, £750 is worth approximately Ft 365,805.00 which is