If you are looking to travel to Egypt for your holiday then the Egyptian pound is the best currency to use. Using the local currency in the country you are visiting is always the best solution otherwise vendors or suppliers that you buy from will need to exchange your currency to their own at the end of the business day and in order to do this they need to cover their costs and time for supplying the service.
When travelling to Egypt you can use US Dollars or British Pounds to pay for certain things as some suppliers and vendors will accept this currency, however, this isn’t the most cost effective solution compared to buying currency in advance and ensuring that you get a better deal before travelling. However, if you do travel with some US Dollars or British Pounds to Egypt you can use this currency to pay for things like your visa upon arrive at the airport which usually costs in the region of 15 US Dollars or roughly 10 British Pounds.
The history of the Egyptian Pound goes far back as 1836 where gold and silver coins were used as currency. The Egyptian Pound banknotes were first introduced in 1898 when the National Bank of Egypt was established. The Egyptian Pound was initially fixed with the British Pound exchange rates until the Central Bank of Egypt was formed in 1961 and then the currency was fixed to the US Dollar exchange rates until 1989. These days the Egyptian Pound exchange rates now fluctuate with the currency widely available from many major UK currency suppliers.
If for any reason you come back from your holiday in Egypt with left over Egyptian Pounds currency you can always use our Egyptian pound buy back service which compares all the buy-back suppliers in the UK and enables you to get the best deal possible on left over travel money. Going to Egypt for a holiday or business travel? Why not compare the best exchange rates and suppliers for the Egyptian Pound!