How to find the best euro exchange rate in 2022

If you're planning a trip to Europe this year, we'll show you how to get the best euro exchange rate

Graham Morley

7 January 2022


Many more of us will be looking to get away as soon as the restrictions are lifted to an acceptable level. Not just with regards to returning to the UK but in the European countries as well. The vaccination programmes should make that possible and many companies are offering Covid booking guarantees and travel insurance which covers Covid is now widely available.

So, if you've planned to take a European trip this year how do you find the best rate for euros? Here are some helpful tips:

Don't buy currency at the airport or ferry terminal

Lots of people will leave currency until last and end up buying at the point of departure. All the ferry terminals and airports are well served by money changing bureau. The problem is they have very large costs in operating at these sites and as a result the exchange rates are some of the worst available. Many have also now installed ATM's which will dispense currency quickly so you don't have to queue at the main desks. However, the exchange rate of these ATM's is not made clear and many people feel they have been 'ripped off' when they sit down and work out the maths. If you do forget to order your currency or leave it until the last minute then you can:

Order for collection

Even the airport operators like Travelex will offer slightly better rates if you order online for collection. However, you will always find the best collection rates by comparing online. With our unique click and collect section you can enter any postcode or location and find the best available rates. In most cases you should order the day before but many FX bureau including the supermarkets and high street giants like eurochange and the Post Office will usually have euros in stock and you may be able to pick up in a couple of hours. It's important to note that you must order online to get the online rate. If you just walk in to the branch the rates can be a lot worse.

Don't use the traditional banks

Before the internet came along most people would get currency from their bank. After all you have an account with them and that makes it easy to go in and pick up your holiday money. Nowadays in most cases you can have it delivered by them as well. However, the high street banks have some of the lowest exchange rates we see on our comparison tables and the rates are even worse if you just walk in. At the time of writing for example, the best euro exchange rate we see on Compare Holiday Money is 1.1940 with the Travel Money Club followed by 1.1865 in second. By contrast HSBC were offering a rate of 1.1442 and Barclays a poor 1.432. This is around €50.00 less from the banks for an average £1000 worth of currency.

Compare exchange rates

We make this easy for you to do and it's. If you allow yourself a couple of days and order ahead you can search our dedicated euro exchange rate page and find live, up to the minute rates from a range of providers.

Euros are by far the best selling currency in the UK and competition is fierce to offer the best deals. Some bureau will also improve the rate the more you order. When we sort our comparison tables we always factor in any postage or delivery charges so you can see at a glance exactly how much travel money you will get for your hard earned cash. Our comparisons are not affected in any way by advertising or promotional payments like other comparison sites. We simply take all the live rates and sort them in order of best to worst so you know you will be seeing the best deals.

If you end up over buying or you don't spend all your holiday cash then when you return you can also search for the best euro buyback deals. So if you don't want to save your currency for another trip or holiday you can exchange back to British pounds just as easily.

Don't pay commission

It's unusual to see bureau charging commission for exchange these days. In fact most will positively highlight the fact that they don't charge commission. If you do see any kind of commission being levied then steer clear if you can.

Avoid exchanging at your destination

It's usually possible to exchange your currency when you get to your holiday destination. However, the exchange rate may not be as obvious and almost certainly nowhere near as good as exchanging in the UK. Many countries still have unregulated money exchangers operating and apart from a poor exchange rate you could find yourself with currency that's fake. It's always best to pay in the local currency. In some places traders may offer you the choice to pay in pounds instead of euros. In all cases it's best to pay in euros. If you pay in pounds you will inevitably pay more because the trader themselves will have to exchange the sterling at the end of the day. Airlines and ferries usually give you a choice as well when buying food or drink or duty-free goods and in most cases it's best to pay in euros.

Happy travelling for 2022!


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